This morning did not start off so well. Katie was definitely nervous, actually freezing up when asked to go down the hall and out for a potty break. I hadn't seen her that bad in months! It was like when I first got her... had to actually pick her up to get her off her bed. But I gave her Xanax, and at lunch she was much better. Gave her a second dose then, just in case. She did well the rest of the day. Did some leash desensitization: put leash on, give cheese, take leash off, repeat. After a bit of that, I went into the computer room, and she actually came in and asked to have the leash put on! Generally, she runs off to her bed in the back (very happy and excited, not scared) and had me put the leash on there. It will be a good thing if I can get her to come to me and let me leash her where I am instead!
I also got my copy of Control Unleashed. It's a book intended to create a "focused and confident dog" (hey, it says so on the cover!), and is intended more towards reactive dogs, but a lot of the shy-k9 group really like it. And I am always looking for new games to play with Katie, so we will see what we can get out of it.
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