Katie went out at 10:30 last night, and still asked for a 1:30 (yes, A.M.!) potty break. I may see if I can push the last turn-out to 11:30, and hopefully that will keep her for the night.
Much more energetic than normal this morning. Toys were squeaked, some whining, attention solicited (paw on arm and leg, nose/head into chest), rolled on side so I could rub belly, lots of chattering. Needed turn-out before breakfast, and breakfast before the pills. Did some zoomies during the turn-out, which seldom happens at breakfast time. Possible lingering effect of the Xanax? Or just of a dog that REALLY needed to go out finally getting to go potty in an appropriate location?
Lunchtime: Katie was back on her bed, but came out when I started making my lunch. Did a little work on getting her comfortable on leash. She really does like the canned cheese! It's making it easier to get her from the bedroom to the front door, where we did some touches before turn-out. I have a frozen cheese Kong prepped for this evening, and am going to hold off on the DS/CC until after the Xanax kicks in.
Home at 7 tonight. Katie in the bedroom, possibly because of kid playing basketball? Seemed happy to see me: chattering, wanted petting.
Hmm. Katie has been pretty quite tonight, not what I expected after yesterday. She got her frozen Kong when she noticed the kids outside, and seemed happy to eat it and ignore what was going on. And we did a little DS/CC inside by the front door. She does like her Cheez-whiz! She is currently resting on her bed while the vacuum goes its merry way. She is doing surprisingly well with that. It doesn't seem to bother her, as long as she doesn't have to walk by it, and even then she is cautious, but no more than I think most dogs would be.
We'll see how tomorrow goes. I'm already seeing the good points of writing these kinds of notes... will tomorrow be like today, or yesterday? Is it the Xanax, or something else, that causes those high-energy bursts? Time will tell!
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