Sunday, October 7, 2012

Not related to shyness

Except as how not being as shy may be influencing things.  

Katie seems to have dropped a noticeable amount of weight recently.  She is also seeming to be hungrier than normal (tonight she counter-surfed a soy sauce packet from last night's Chinese, something she generally never does.)  She had been getting 2 cups of Taste of the Wild a day, and keeping a fairly steady 54-58 pounds (sometimes up a bit sometimes down a bit, but mostly in the middle there).   She has been getting more exercise, going from staying at home pretty much all the time to actually going on walks several times a week (Pixie is a good influence!), which is the most likely cause of the weight loss.  The second most likely cause I can think of is hookworms (well, worms in general, but hookworm is the one that she has come down with before), but I am not seeing any of the other symptoms that I have in the past.  I am going to up the amount to 3 cups a day and see what happens in a week.  

Pictures for reference:



We'll see how things go.

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